
Utility functions to record raw election results and handle low-level HTTP interaction with the Associated Press Election API.

class elex.api.utils.UnicodeMixin

Python 2 + 3 compatibility for __unicode__

elex.api.utils.api_request(path, **params)

Function wrapping Python-requests for making a request to the AP’s elections API.

A properly formatted request: * Modifies the BASE_URL with a path. * Contains an API_KEY. * Returns a response object.


Extra parameters to pass to requests. For example, apiKey=”<YOUR API KEY>, your AP API key, or national=True, for national-only results.


Record a timestamped version of an Associated Press Elections API data download.

Presumes JSON at the moment. Would have to refactor if using XML or FTP. FACTOR FOR USE; REFACTOR FOR REUSE.

Parameters:payload – JSON payload from Associated Press Elections API.