
2.0.1 - 2.0.4 - April 26, 2016

  • Fixes for AP API v2.1.
  • Fix for missing Rhode Island mail-in ballot (#263).
  • Fix for township to county rollups in New England (#264).
  • Delegate report cache has been removed; the feature could have negative consequences and will be better addressed by a full caching system.

2.0.0 - April 14, 2016

Remove redundant data fields, introduce breaking data model fixes, organizational report ID caching, and command line cleanup.

The 2.x release is named for Ethel Payne, the “First Lady of the Black Press”, whose natural curiosity led her to become a groundbreaking journalist.

  • Precincts reporting percent now expressed in normal form (#204). Prior to the 2.0 release, precincts reporting percent was expressed as a number between 0 and 100 while vote percent while percent of votes received was expressed as a number between 0 and 1. Now all percents in the data are expressed as a number between 0 and 1 and should be multiplied by 100 to display the human-readable percentage.
  • Remove unique_id field (#256). The unique_id has been superseded by the ID field in all cases and was redundant. The 2.0 release removes this field, and all Elex users should adjust their data models and schemas accordingly.
  • Race data now includes an is_ballot_measure column for consistency (#238).
  • Cache delegate report IDs (#234). Getting delegate reports previously required three API calls which each counted against the API quota limit. Now, on first request, the report IDs are cached until the elex clear-delegate-cache command is run. With the introduction of “free” report access in AP API v2.1, getting delegate reports do not count at all against the request quota except the first elex delegates is run or after running elex clear-delegate-cache.
  • Refactor error handling when interacting with the API (#239, #240, #249). All error handling logic has been moved to command line library and out of the Python API. All errors encountered when using Elex as a Python library are raised and must be handled by the developer. The command line library catches common/well-known errors and provides useful feedback.
  • Add --with-timestamp and --batch-name flags to add a timestamp based or arbitrary grouping column to any results (#212).
  • elex next-election now returns an error when there is no valid next election (#160).
  • Election date is automatically determined when using the --data-file flag. This means no date argument is required when specifying a data file. (#161)
  • Removed dependency on Clint output library (#63).
  • Improve documentation (#251).
  • Abandon previous caching and daemon efforts (#122, #137). Caching will be a feature of Elex 2.1.

Important note about exit codes:

Elex will be implementing a caching layer in version 2.1 that uses conditional GET requests to decide whether or not to get fresh data. The command line tool will return exit code 64 when getting data from the cache, the normal 0 exit code on a successful full request, and exit code 1 for all errors. If you have code that depends on reading the Elex exit code, ensure that you are checking for exit code 1 and 1 only when trapping for errors.

1.2.0 - Feb. 25, 2016

Many bugfixes and some new fields / id schemes that might break implementations that rely on stable field names / orders.

  • Fixes an issue with requests defaulting to national-only (#229, #230).
  • Solves an issue with 3/5 and 3/6 Maine results not including townships (#228).
  • Supports a set-zero-counts argument to the CLI to return zeroed-out data (#227).
  • Includes a delegatecount field on CandidateReportingUnit to store data from district-level results (#225).
  • Supports a results-level argument to the CLI to return district-level data. (#223)
  • Solves an issue with reportingunitid not being unique acrosss different result levels (#226).
  • Adds an electiondate field on BallotMeasure to guarantee uniqueness (#210).
  • Makes a composite id for BallotMeasure that includes electiondate (#210).

1.1.0 - Feb. 2, 2016

Documentation and dependency fixes.

  • Elex can now be run in the same virtualenv as csvkit (#206).
  • Links and copyright notice in documentation updated.
  • Added section about virtualenvs to install guide, courtesy of Ryan Pitts.
  • Add better tests for AP request quota (#203).

1.0.0 - Jan. 25, 2016

The 1.x release is named for Martha Ellis Gellhorn, one of the greatest war correspondents of the 20th century.

  • Delegate counts (#138, #194). Delegate counts can be accessed with elex delegates.
  • Rename elex.api.api to elex.api.models and allow model objects to be imported with statements like from elex.api import Election (#146). Python modules directly calling Elex will need to update their import statements accordingly.
  • Fix duplicate IDs (#176).
  • Handle incorrect null/none values in some cases (#173, #174, #175).
  • Expand contributing / developer guide (#151).
  • Add recipe for filtering with jq and uploading to s3 in a single command (#131).

0.2.0 - Dec. 24, 2015

  • Tag git versions (#170).
  • Fix elections command (#167).
  • Use correct state code for county level results (#164).
  • Use tox to test multiple Python versions (#153).
  • Allow API url to be specified in environment variable (#144).
  • Don’t sort results for performance and stability (#136).
  • Capture and log full API request URL in command line debugging mode (#134).
  • Python 3 compatibility (#99).

0.1.2 - Dec. 21, 2015

  • Fix missing vote percent in results (#152).

0.1.1 - Dec. 10, 2015

  • Add Travis CI support (#101).
  • Fix packaging.

0.1.0 - Dec. 10, 2015

First major release.

  • Decided on elex for name (#59).
  • Initial tests (#70, #107).
  • First draft of docs (#18).
  • Set up (#60).
  • Handle New England states (townships and counties) (#123).
  • Remove date parsing (#115) and dynamic field setter (#117) to improve performance.

0.0.0 - 0.0.42

Initial Python API and concept created by Jeremy Bowers; initial command line interface created by David Eads.